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History of Portugal
Portugal became an independent monarchy in 1143 and expelled the Moors in 1249 after over 4 centuries of Moslem rule. Portuguese expansionism in the 14th and 15th centuries led to colonies in South America, Africa, and Asia. These were largely lost in the 16th and 17th centuries to Britain and Spain. Portugal became a republic in 1910. Antonio Salazar led a repressive, authoritarian rule until 1968, succeded by Marcello Caetano. A military junta returned Portugal to democracy in 1974. Portugal became a member of the EU in 1986.
Najveći vrh E-
urope je M-Mount Blanc koji se nalazi u Francuskoj. Visok je
4807 metara.
Planina je omiljeno izletište
planinara kao i ljudi željnih
Europske novčanice imaju višestruku zaštitu od krivotvorenja. Papir za novcanice napravljen je od pamucnih niti u posebnom tkanju. U papir su ugradene i fluorescentne niti i vodeni znak. Svaka novcanica pored ostalog ima sigurnosnu nit i metaliziranu foliju na koju je aplicirana opticki varijabilna slika.