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History of Netherlands
The Celtic and Germanic tribes which inhabited the region now known as the Netherlands were conquered in 55 BC by the Ro mans. The Netherlands later became part of the empire of Charlemagne, passing to Burgundy and then Spain. Independence from Spain was declared in 1581 as the United Provinces. It became a major maritime, economic, and artistic power in the 17th century. In 1815 the Congress of Vienna formed a kingdom of the Netherlands, including Belgium. Belgium seceded in 1830.
The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I but suffered a brutal invasion and occupation by Germany in World War II. The country was a founding member of NATO and the EC, and participated in the introduction of the euro in 1999.
Najveći vrh E-
urope je M-Mount Blanc koji se nalazi u Francuskoj. Visok je
4807 metara.
Planina je omiljeno izletište
planinara kao i ljudi željnih
Europske novčanice imaju višestruku zaštitu od krivotvorenja. Papir za novcanice napravljen je od pamucnih niti u posebnom tkanju. U papir su ugradene i fluorescentne niti i vodeni znak. Svaka novcanica pored ostalog ima sigurnosnu nit i metaliziranu foliju na koju je aplicirana opticki varijabilna slika.