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Greek Anthem(English Translation)
We knew thee of old,
Oh, divinely restored,
By the lights of thine eyes
And the light of thy Sword
From the graves of our slain
Shall thy valour prevail
As we greet thee again-
Hail, Liberty! Hail!
Long time didst thou dwell
Mid the peoples that mourn,
Awaiting some voice
That should bid thee return.
Ah, slow broke that day
And no man dared call,
For the shadow of tyranny
Lay over all:
And we saw thee sad-eyed,
The tears on thy cheeks
While thy raiment was dyed
In the blood of the Greeks.
Yet, behold now thy sons
With impetuous breath
Go forth to the fight
Seeking Freedom or Death.
From the graves of our slain
Shall thy valour prevail
As we greet thee again-
Hail, Liberty! Hail!
Najveći vrh E-
urope je M-Mount Blanc koji se nalazi u Francuskoj. Visok je
4807 metara.
Planina je omiljeno izletište
planinara kao i ljudi željnih
Europske novčanice imaju višestruku zaštitu od krivotvorenja. Papir za novcanice napravljen je od pamucnih niti u posebnom tkanju. U papir su ugradene i fluorescentne niti i vodeni znak. Svaka novcanica pored ostalog ima sigurnosnu nit i metaliziranu foliju na koju je aplicirana opticki varijabilna slika.