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History of Belgium
History of Belgium
Belgium is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries of Europe. The area formed a part of the United Netherlands from 1815 to 1830. It became independent in 1831 as a hereditary, representative and constitutional monarchy. Ancient Latin and German heritages meet, but fail to mix, in Belgium. Apart from a small German-speaking population in the east, the country is divided between the Dutch-speaking Flemings in the north and the French-speaking Walloons in the south. The various political entities which preceded Belgium have left a heritage rich with both cultural and historical associations, with medieval university cities, small village communities, and traditions in the arts. Belgium has been the scene of major European conflicts, including Waterloo, and the two World Wars. Today it is the most heavily industrialized nation in Europe. Tensions between the Dutch-speaking Flemings of the north and the French-speaking Walloons of the south have led in recent years to constitutional amendments granting these regions formal recognition and autonomy.
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urope je M-Mount Blanc koji se nalazi u Francuskoj. Visok je
4807 metara.
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planinara kao i ljudi željnih
Europske novčanice imaju višestruku zaštitu od krivotvorenja. Papir za novcanice napravljen je od pamucnih niti u posebnom tkanju. U papir su ugradene i fluorescentne niti i vodeni znak. Svaka novcanica pored ostalog ima sigurnosnu nit i metaliziranu foliju na koju je aplicirana opticki varijabilna slika.